The iconic image of a powerlifter straining under a mountain of iron is ingrained in our minds. But what if there was a better way to build strength and explode onto the platform with record-breaking results? This is where Westside Barbell unique approach to squat training comes in.
Forget the traditional “progressive overload” where you slowly increase weight until you hit a plateau. Westside Barbell throws that script out the window and embraces “percent training.” What does this mean?

Submaximal Weights, Maximum Velocity
Instead of maxing out every session, they train with 65-82.5% of their one-rep max, focusing on explosive movements and perfect form with 2-6 reps per set. This sweet spot on the force-velocity curve allows them to generate maximum power while minimizing stress on the body.

Variety is the Spice of Squat Life
Don’t expect monotonous barbell squats here. Westside Barbell incorporates a revolving door of special exercises like box squats, rack pulls, and Manta Ray squats, constantly challenging different muscle groups and movement patterns. This keeps things fresh, eliminates plateaus, and reduces mental fatigue.

Max Effort Day: Unleashing the Beast
But don’t be fooled by the lighter weights. Every two weeks, they dedicate a session to “maximum effort day,” where they work up to a single heavy lift (100%+) on an exercise like the box squat. This ensures they stay connected to their max strength while keeping training efficient.

Deadlift Done Differently
Deadlifts get a similar twist. Instead of heavy sets, they perform multiple singles with short rest periods, gradually increasing weight and decreasing reps. This trains them to exert maximum force on every rep, exceeding the actual weight on the bar – a key to their explosive deadlifts.

Benefits Beyond Strength
This approach isn’t just about numbers. Westside Barbell emphasizes the psychological benefits of their system. Training with lighter weights reduces anxiety and stress, while constantly breaking gym records in special exercises builds confidence and keeps spirits high throughout the training cycle.
Is This Right for You?
While Westside Barbell’s methods have proven successful for their elite athletes, it’s crucial to remember their unique training environment and individual capabilities. Not everyone is built for such an intense program. However, the core principles of focusing on form, incorporating variety, and prioritizing explosive movements can be valuable takeaways for any lifter looking to break through plateaus and reach their full potential.
So, next time you head to the squat rack, consider leaving the ego at the door and explore the possibilities of training differently. You might be surprised at the results!
This blog post is just a starting point. What are your thoughts on Westside Barbell’s unique training methods? Have you tried anything similar in your own workouts? Share your experiences in the comments below!
Check out our previous post about Road to Perfect Bench Press in 2024: A Beginner’s Guide.