Browsing: vitamins

Vitamin A is one of the most beneficial substances for healthy skin and hair. The lack of retinol is associated not only with impaired vision at night, but also with increased brittle hair, as well as dry skin. In addition, vitamin A is included in many anti-aging creams.

Dietary magnesium deficiency is one of the most common dietary disorders. However, the lack of this mineral is extremely harmful to the body – especially for women after the onset of 50 years. The consequences are disruption of the vascular system, weakening of the bones and a constantly bad mood.

From a chemical point of view, electrolytes are substances that can conduct electricity. Sodium, potassium, chlorine, calcium, magnesium, and phosphates have a similar function. These minerals are among the most important for maintaining the energy balance of the body.

Magnesium is the second most concentrated mineral in the cells of the body. It is necessary for the normal functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, immunity, as well as muscles. Foods with magnesium provide normalization of blood sugar levels and help to remove cholesterol.

Zinc is a mineral that the body needs to function properly. It enables cells to use enzymes that trigger the synthesis of collagen and other proteins and also increases immunity and resistance to various damaging factors (including alcohol).

Vitamin D is one of the most important substances responsible for human health. It regulates more than a thousand physiological processes in the body, including the processes of DNA regeneration. Vitamin D deficiency has been linked to impaired immunity and an increased risk of infections.