Studies show that a zinc-poor diet lowers testosterone levels in men by 75% within 20 weeks. Scientists remind us that zinc is part of more than 400 enzymes, and its lack in the diet can disrupt metabolism in a complex way.
Since in the body of a man zinc is concentrated mainly in the prostate, muscles, liver, and pancreas, it directly affects their work. In particular, with a lack of zinc, immunity suffers, and the production of sex hormones is also disrupted.
Zinc for men

Zinc is a mineral that the body needs to function properly. First of all, with its help, cells get the opportunity to use various enzymes, which are necessary, among other things, to start the processes of protein and collagen synthesis.
In addition, zinc (just like magnesium) is necessary for men to produce sperm and a number of hormones – primarily testosterone, insulin, and growth hormone. Zinc deficiency is associated with poor sperm quality and prostate dysfunction.
Of particular importance is the use of the daily norm of zinc for adolescent boys – in their case, a deficiency can disrupt body growth processes. Among other things, strength training and an active sex life increase the body’s need for a mineral.
Recommended Daily Dosages
The recommended intake of zinc for men is 10-15 mg per day – and in total the body stores up to 2 g of this substance. Since 50 ml of semen contains up to 10 mg of zinc, frequent ejaculations increase the need for the mineral. In addition, zinc is lost during cuts and bleeding.
Symptoms of acute deficiency are deterioration in the quality of hair and nails, memory impairment, depression, decreased visual acuity, irritability, and fatigue. Allergies, weight loss, and a decrease in insulin production are possible.
Influence on Testosterone and Potency

Strictly speaking, there is no direct relationship between testosterone levels, libido, and the ability to maintain an erection. In other words, although men need zinc for sperm production and the synthesis of sex hormones, its use in itself does not increase potency.
Despite this, animal studies note a positive effect of zinc on sexual function and the ability to maintain an erection. In turn, studies on young men have shown that a lack of zinc leads to a decrease in libido and a deterioration in sperm quality.
How to Raise Testosterone?
Magnesium, selenium, and zinc are key minerals for maintaining healthy testosterone levels. At the same time, magnesium is the second most concentrated mineral in the cells of the body. It is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as for muscle function.
Lack of magnesium in the diet (according to statistics, only 30% of people receive a daily intake of this mineral) leads to a decrease in muscle mass and a decrease in testosterone. The effect of deficiency on the body increases after the age of 40 – especially with a low level of physical activity.
Zinc in Food

Zinc is a fairly common mineral. Most of all it is found in seafood, various seeds, and the liver of animals. Two or three oysters or six large shrimp are enough to cover the daily intake – or 200-300 g of beef liver.
Zinc contained in plant foods is absorbed worse. To cover the daily norm, you will need 100 g of pumpkin seeds or 200-250 sunflower seeds. In addition, there is zinc in lentils – in this case, the norm necessary for health implies a daily intake of 200 g of cereals.
Zinc content in food:
Product | Zinc Content per 100g | % Daily Value |
Pumpkin seeds | 10mg | 90% |
Sunflower seeds | 4 – 5mg | 40 – 45% |
Almonds | 3 – 4mg | 30 – 40% |
Beef liver | 4mg | 40% |
Beef meat | 3 – 8mg | 30 – 80% |
Chicken meat | 1 – 4mg | 10 – 40% |
Lentils | 5mg | 50% |
Peanuts | 4mg | 40% |
Soy beans | 3mg | 30% |
Hard cheese | 3 – 4mg | 30 – 40% |
Oats | 4mg | 40% |
Wheat | 3mg | 30% |
Brown rice | 1mg | 10% |
Bamboo sprouts | 1mg | 10% |
Most vegetables | 0.3 – 0.5mg | 3 – 4% |
Most fruits | 0.15 – 0.05mg | 1% |
Zinc is a mineral important for the functioning of the male reproductive system. It is necessary for the production of sperm, as well as for the synthesis of testosterone and growth hormone. Lack of zinc in the diet is associated with impaired libido functions – including problems with potency.
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