Magnesium is the second most concentrated mineral in the cells of the body. It is necessary for the health of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as for muscle function. Magnesium maintains normal blood sugar levels, affects blood pressure, and helps to remove cholesterol.
How exactly does magnesium affect the male body (especially testosterone levels) and what are the indications for its use? Does this mineral really help against stress, migraines, seizures, and hair loss? Magnesium – content in foods and recommended daily allowances.
The importance of magnesium for men

Magnesium is a key mineral for the proper functioning of the male body. It optimizes the processes of using glucose, activates the formation of proteins, and regulates processes in the central nervous system and in the brain. Also, this electrolyte is important for the release of energy during physical training.
Of particular importance is the effect of magnesium on testosterone levels (in fact, it increases its bioavailability). Chronic deficiency of this mineral is associated with low levels of sex hormones in men – in other words, erection problems may be due to a lack of magnesium in the diet.
With age, the need for magnesium increases – more precisely, the level of its assimilation decreases. In the presence of chronic pathologies (including diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and alcoholism), men need to monitor the intake of sufficient amounts of magnesium from food.
What magnesium is for:
- Important at all stages of protein synthesis
- Regulates the functions of the nervous system
- Needed for muscle function (including heart muscles)
- Promotes the elimination of cholesterol
Recommended daily intake
The daily requirement for magnesium in men is 400-450 mg (for women, the figure is lower – 300 mg). Note that the norm of the mineral increases when playing sports – both strength training and cardio. In addition, drinking alcohol accelerates the excretion of magnesium from the body.
Symptoms of magnesium deficiency are muscle spasms and cramps, high blood pressure, palpitations, headaches, sleep problems, fatigue, and a tendency to depression. It is also important that a lack of magnesium leads to problems with the production of vitamin D and can reduce testosterone.
Insufficient intake of the mineral is associated with hypertension, atherosclerosis, diabetes, myocardial infarction, and cerebral stroke. In other words, magnesium can actually help against insomnia, stress, seizures, and other manifestations of deficiency symptoms.
Effect on the body

Beginning at age 35, testosterone levels in men (as well as the ability of tissues to absorb free testosterone) decline by about 1-2% per year. This decrease, in turn, leads to both a loss of muscle mass and a negative effect on libido and potency.
Magnesium, selenium, and zinc are the most important minerals for maintaining healthy testosterone levels in men. The older a man gets, the more deficient in these nutrients affects a range of body parameters, especially those with low levels of physical activity and depression.
Magnesium and testosterone
Research suggests that high blood pressure, diabetes, and a range of other conditions can negatively impact the body’s ability to use magnesium while increasing its need for the mineral. In fact, it deals a double blow to health.
In turn, a lack of magnesium provokes both violations of the muscles and the cardiovascular system – including the genitals. Given the impact on testosterone levels, chronic magnesium deficiency can lead to erectile dysfunction (especially in older men).
Magnesium in foods

Dietary magnesium deficiency has been a problem that has been talked about since the 1950s. In 1995, the World Health Organization recognized magnesium deficiency as an important health risk for men, stating that since the beginning of the 20th century, the intake of the mineral has more than halved – from 500 mg per day to 175-225 mg.
It is believed that no more than 25% of the population receives the required amount of the mineral daily from the daily diet. A typical diet containing meat, potatoes, and wheat products (bread, pasta, pastries) does not cover the daily requirement.
Magnesium-rich foods primarily include various nuts and seeds, pseudocereals (including buckwheat and quinoa), brown rice, and chocolate and avocados. In addition, magnesium is also available over the counter.
Magnesium is a key micronutrient for maintaining optimal male health. The consequences of a deficiency include a decrease in testosterone levels – while only a quarter of the population receives a daily intake of magnesium from the diet.
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