A person’s perception of reality depends not so much on the facts, but on how our brain processes them. In some conditions, the news brings us joy, in others – disappointment. However, the ability to evaluate the world around the dough is related to the chemical balance in the body.
In particular, a lack of serotonin is closely associated with the development of depression and an increase in appetite (the body tries to signal that it needs certain nutrients). How can you raise your serotonin levels? Should I take it in pill form?
What is serotonin?

Serotonin is one of the three major neurotransmitters that regulate mood and psychological well-being. Serotonin is often referred to as the “hormone of joy and happiness,” but its action is expressed not only in influencing mood. For example, serotonin controls the functioning of the intestines, is involved in the mechanism of narrowing of the arteries, and is also needed for bone health.
Violation of the production (or violation of the assimilation processes) of serotonin provokes mood deterioration and depression, and the principle of operation of most classes of antidepressants is to regulate and normalize the exchange of this particular hormone. Essentially, antidepressants increase the level of serotonin in the brain, which translates into the ability to see reality more positively.
Although serotonin is also available in pills, it cannot improve mood – in this case, we are talking mainly about the effect of the hormone on the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to raise the level of serotonin in the brain, the amino acid tryptophan is needed – it is found both in some foods and is available in the form of dietary supplements (drug 5-HTP).
Briefly about serotonin:
- Hormone of good mood and happiness
- Regulates bowel function
- Controls appetite
- Controls blood pressure
- Controls pain
Depression and serotonin
Depression is a complex metabolic disorder that primarily affects the central nervous system and the brain. Symptoms of depression are chronic fatigue, trouble sleeping, difficulty concentrating, low mood, and low emotional state. Very often, depression is associated with reduced levels of serotonin and dopamine in the body.
Among other things, the development of depression is affected by the level of melatonin. This hormone regulates the phases of sleep and wakefulness, and the dough is also associated with the production of serotonin – in both cases, the amino acid tryptophan is used for synthesis. It is for this reason that taking melatonin tablets can not only normalize sleep but also improve mood by increasing serotonin levels.
How to increase serotonin levels?

There are several natural ways to increase serotonin levels. First of all, it increases with physical activity and sports. Secondly, exposure to bright sunlight affects the production of serotonin. Thirdly, eating foods rich in tryptophan can also affect the level of the feel-good hormone.
At the same time, taking antidepressants, by itself, does not raise the level of serotonin. The principle of action of the latest generation of antidepressants (sertraline, fluoxetine, and paroxetine) is not based on increasing the production of serotonin, but on blocking its reuptake. In other words, drugs help to normalize the level of the hormone by optimizing the mechanisms for its use.
Methods to increase serotonin:
- Normalize sleep
- Exercise regularly
- Regular exposure to the sun
- Rejection of bad habits
Serotonin levels and bad habits
Research suggests that the body’s ability to synthesize the hormones serotonin, dopamine, and melatonin is closely related to lifestyle and bad habits¹. In particular, nicotine causes a sharp release of dopamine stores, provoking its further shortage. In simple terms, smoking brings pleasure “now” in exchange for a worse mood “after”.
Chronic stress and high cortisol levels also negatively affect the chemical balance of the brain. On the one hand, there is an increased need for serotonin, on the other hand, the level of tryptophan absorption worsens. The result is sleep disturbances (lack of melatonin) and the development of depression. In order to increase serotonin, you must first learn how to deal with stress.
Food sources for serotonin

About 90% of serotonin in the body is synthesized in the gastrointestinal tract – and the material is the essential amino acid tryptophan. The normal intake of tryptophan is about 3.5 mg per kg of body weight per day – to maintain normal levels of serotonin, a person weighing 70 kg should receive at least 250 mg of tryptophan daily with food.
However, it is important to understand that although a dietary deficiency of this amino acid can negatively affect serotonin levels, eating foods with tryptophan does not always lead to an increase in the hormone level. In other words, dark chocolate is not able to fight chronic depression – although it contains a lot of tryptophan and may indirectly affect the rise of serotonin.
Tryptophan content in food
Product | Tryptophan per 100g |
Caviar (red, black) | 960 – 910mg |
Various types of cheese | 800 – 600mg |
Nuts (peanuts, almonds, cashews) | 750 – 650mg |
Legumes | 650 – 500mg |
Fish (herring, salmon, pollock) | 420 – 400mg |
White meat (chicken, rabbit, turkey) | 350 – 300mg |
Red meat (beef, veal, lamb) | 250 – 200mg |
FIsh (herring, salmon, pollock) | 220 – 180mg |
Chicken eggs | 200 – 150mg |
Chocolate | 200 – 100mg |
Cottage cheese | 200 – 150mg |
Oatmeal, millet, buckwheat, quinoa | 180 – 150mg |
Pearl barley | 120 – 100mg |
Rice | 80 – 60mg |
Milk | 80 – 50mg |
Vegetables (cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes) | 60 – 30mg |
Bananas, oranges, apricots | 40 – 20mg |
Berries (raspberries, strawberries, cranberries) | 25 – 15mg |
Cucumbers, zucchini | 20 – 15mg |
Apples, pears | 15 – 12mg |
5-HTP – Serotonin pills

5-HTP ( 5-Hydroxytryptophan or hydroxytriptan), available as an over-the-counter dietary supplement, is the final product of tryptophan processing and a direct precursor of serotonin. When ingested, this amino acid is converted into serotonin, helping to increase its levels. Among other things, 5-HTP affects the secretion of melatonin and normalizes sleep.
Clinical studies show that the supplement may well act as a substitute for antidepressants and as an appetite suppressant. However, it must be remembered that 5-HTP is strongly not recommended to be combined with full-fledged antidepressants. Just as importantly, taking 5-HTP can “mask” depression, making it harder to treat.
Is it possible to increase the production of serotonin with pills?
In conclusion, we note that an increase in the level of serotonin has negative consequences. Excessively high levels of serotonin in the blood leads to the emergence of “serotonin syndrome”. Its symptoms include trembling, dilated pupils, headache, confusion, involuntary muscle contractions, and gastrointestinal problems.
Serotonin is one of the key hormones that regulate human mood. Lack of serotonin is closely associated with the development of depression and various sleep disorders. In order to increase the level of serotonin, it is necessary to exercise regularly, be in sunlight daily, and also to eat foods containing the amino acid tryptophan.